
One Divide’s universal
algorithmic information equation
-1 + 1 = 0
This straightforward input/output algorithm illustrates the intersectionality of human conflict and human unity and represents One Divide’s moral imperative — the closing of the One Divide.
To establish the functional theory of Emotional Warfare, the intersectionality between opposing constructs required descriptive language — the philosophical “is” that points to the objective psychological and psychosocial dynamics — rather than a particular point of view only relevant to a given person’s subjective experience or to two or more people’s agreed-upon points of view and joint experience. Remove individual, subjective experience from the equation; remove the philosophical ideals of what human life experience should be or “ought to be,” which tend to cloud attempts to capture the universal, objective character of human nature.
Centered on this notion, with the laws of nature in mind, within the structured language system and architecture of the Philosophy of One Divide, the first step in the One Divide process is to identify the ubiquitous true negative — Emotional Warfare and its Pattern(s) conducted through the agency of the False Self (-), the human conflict within people and between people — in order to produce a true positive — “ONEness,” the potentiality of human unity within people and between people, conducted through the agency of the True Self (+).
-1 +1 = 0
False Self (-1) + True Self (1) = ONEness (0)
This establishes One Divide’s universal algorithmic information equation: -1 + 1 = 0. This straightforward input/output algorithm illustrates the intersectionality of human conflict and human unity and represents One Divide’s moral imperative — the closing of the One Divide. This simple equation shows the working of the energy flow that leads to elevation of consciousness. Its integration is intuitive and its application is fully scalable by design — encouraging the emergence of an advanced new human transformation system, sociopolitical science, and writ-large wisdom philosophy. The Philosophy of One Divide, centered on the functional theory of Emotional Warfare, is situated to be an individually driven, collectively inspired, practical, holistic philosophy grounded in pragmatism that extends from the educational toward the technological.
The One Divide algorithm also represents the energetic flow of the False Self (-1) versus the True Self (+1), which, applied properly through One Divide’s principles and concepts and the theory of Emotional Warfare, creates authentic generativity when people learn the developmental processes of Emotional Warfare and how to differentiate Emotional Warfare strategies — used for personal and/or social influence and control in the pursuit of Emotional Survival and a sense of Perceived Security — from channeling human potential energy into the True Self state of being. This understanding cultivates a positive energetic flow toward an individually driven but ultimately collective balanced state: oneness (0).
Ultimately, this leads to acceptance of the principle of True Self agency and the deontological imperative to evolve beyond False Self agency. With widespread individual awareness and application, this will move society away from conflict and toward human unity.